Personal Information Request

To the extent required by the (OCDPA): Oregon consumers who want to know what Personal Information (as defined in the OCDPA) we maintain about them may send a Request to Know using the webform below. Please read the following prior to filling in the information.

• Giant Partners, Inc. will have to verify your identity as required by the OCDPA before we can respond to your request. We may require notarized proof that you are who you say you are. If we cannot successfully verify your identity, or if the information would be too sensitive to disclose, we may not be able to provide the Personal Information to you.

• We will fulfill your request within 45 days, or up to 90 days if we notify you as to why we need more time.

• We may deny any deletion requests if that information is needed by us or our service providers to provide you with any of our services that you have purchased or for any legal reasons.

• You may only submit 2 “Requests to Know” per year.

Please fill in your information below if you would like to proceed: