Free for 2023 - Partnership Assessment Form

What's your full name?*
Who do we have the pleasure of meeting today.

What's your company name?*
If there are multiple names feel free to add them all.

What's your website url?*
If you don't have one just write

Briefly describe your business / expertise!*
Who do you (or want to) serve? What do you (or want to) sell? What's the price point?

What are your current marketing channels?*
Select all where you are currently running ads.

Other marketing channels we should know about?*
let us know where you are currently spending your advertising dollars. .

What's your current monthly revenue?*

Desired monthly revenue*

Monthly marketing budget including ad spend and agency fees*

, what do you feel is your biggest obstacle to hitting your monthly revenue goal?*

Biggest thing in your way. Don't think too hard, just write it down.

, if our program is aligned with your goals AND you're willing to invest in your business, when do you want to start?*

What is the email address you prefer?*

What is your best phone number?*

Now…See If You Qualify For The 2023 for FREE Business Growth Partnership. Please Complete This Short Quiz To See If We Can Help You.

Imagine the #1 data-driven marketing agency in the U.S. amplifying your brand, optimizing your ad spend, skyrocketing your conversions – all while saving you on employee and agency fees!

Only 5 spots available. Act now as spots fill up fast.

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